It’s 2025, the same work applies, but more.
End the occupation, Protect your Communities - Trans Kids, Trans Adults, Women, Seniors, Immigrants, People in poverty, Houses and Hungry people. Trust Black Women, Defund the police, stop calling police. Keep fighting for Universal Healthcare, Land Back. Affordable therapy, community gardens, less dependence on the systems - what does this look like? Let’s keep working for the future we can hope for.
I spent some time to update this website to be a bit more clear. Descriptions have been updated, as well as the introduction. New work has been added, as well as better video quality, and images.
So many changes have happened in my life in such a short amount of time and it’s been a bit of a trip, something that feels hard to put into words. In so many ways what I know is the work - the work is present, the reading, the making, and community building. Lots of small actions are collective and my hope is that my collection of small actions are connective and fruitful, hopeful and grounding, that somehow my small actions are connected with the many small actions that lead to wonderful change.
Billy (they/them)