warmth (2022)

8.5’ x 3’ x 3’ projected onto a black painted wall

Pictured below is warmth on the stage at Wright Community Colleges Theatre in 2022.

warmth is made from matte black painted wood modules designed to fit into one another using physics to create a stable free standing object. People are encouraged to walk around the object as well as sit on benches adjacent to the each side of the object near the transparency film images. Four matte black painted wall art frames with glass and inkjet transparency film have images printed on them and they are stapled inside of the frames. The images become two sides of the two stacked cubes, and the sides adjacent to the images are open where people can look inside of the cubes. On the outside of the object there are two benches, one on each side near the transparency images. When someone sits on the benches they will see a slide projection of 80 handmade slides in a loop, and the object then becomes part of their peripheral vision. The slides are images of outdoor spaces, plants, and street images. The slides have a color temperature shift from warm to cool, but never as warm as the images on the object.

When present with the object and watching the slide loop the duration of images which can take about 5 minutes. The intention of the experience of cool images and a warm but also out of focus object referencing an entry way overflowing with well cared for flowers is meant to evoke a feeling of outdoor displacement, referencing a bodily feeling of being out in the cold, the inside being a kind of illusion, where warmth is less approachable. Its setting in a dark room is also intentional because of the isolation of these experiential elements. Cold, distant, focused but out of focus, where maybe people could potentially experience the feelings of cold and outside.

warmth illuminated projecting slides

slide detail from a film scan

slide detail from a film scan

slide detail from a film scan

slide detail from a film scan